A live document of a performance by TG to a small and invited audience on 16 February 1980. Neither an insight into TG’s recording process nor private live show, Heathen Earth is it’s own entity and exists as a document and testament to a group of people at the height of their creative powers, recorded just over a year before they disbanded and terminated the mission.
The Old Man Smiled
The World Is A War Film
Something Came Over Me
Still Talking
Don't Do As You're Told, Do As You Think
Painless Childbirth
Introducton-Sheffield University 1980
Trained Condition Of Obedience-S036 Club Berlin 1980
Heathen Earth-Sheffield University 1980
An Old Man Smiled-S036 Club Berlin 1980
Auschwitz-Rafters, Manchester 1980
Devil's Gateway-Rafters, Manchester 1980
Punished-Sheffield University 1980
Tortured Smiles-Sheffield University 1980
We Said No-Sheffield University 1980