The Totality of Death is the past entwined with the future.
The Totality of Death is a vortex of ineffable confusion.
The Totality of Death is One, but manifest as Two.
The Totality of Death compiles 20 songs from past limited-edition releases, digital compilations, and the most obscure recesses of the T × R × P archive. The material - reworked and remastered in 2024 e.v. - is spread over two separate compact discs, transmitted by ᚦᛟᚦ ᚷᛁᚷ and ᚾᛟᚺ ⩝⚭⩝ respectively.
The CDs feature different, intricately-designed artwork throughout, and are beautifully presented in reverseboard, flood-printed, 6-panel digipaks, each coming with an exclusive artcard when bought direct from Cold Spring or the artist.